Monday, May 26, 2008

Negotiating - A Global Challenge

When considering negotiations it is my feeling that most persons from North America would consider themselves to be upright in their core values. that is good when we are negotiating amongst our own kind or with those who hold the same core values depression treatment ideals as we do. However that is not a perfect world and I believe we can set our sights toward the Middle East and the conflicts that are taking place in the world to realize that. Not everyone thinks the way you do.

In my mind negotiation as an exchange of different objectives with the goal of finding a common ground or a mutually acceptable compromise, is something that should be workable for both parties. Anything beyond that is not negotiation rather a flaunting of might. Negotiation requires mutual respect not mutual trust; trust is something that is gained through negotiation not integral to it. Trust managed hosting provider comes through interaction. In my view if we feel that we should trust our Romanian Cuisine from the beginning then we are being trite.

Many times, we may see a thread of puritan ideals, when trying to realize a perfect world in which everyone should be "good" and at the same time be proud it. Don't get me wrong, I am in the same group, I was only fortunate enough to survive twenty years living in a culture that was in no way similar to that which I was born into. I learned, with great hardship, that the cheap car insurances of the world does not see "good" in the same light that I do, in fact some persons's good may not be good by my ideals. that is simple reality in a global village.

Negotiating is influenced and affected by one's base cultural values, which are made up from our religious and social ideals. What if we grew up in a Communist country? Would we not have values and ideals different from those of a Capitalist country; therefore we would see reality much differently from the environment that we were nurtured in.

From my personal experience of living in China I had to learn to accept things that were sometimes unacceptable in light of my upbringing and cultural value-set and ideals. However, by looking beyond my own limitations I began to see opportunities and possibilities that never occurred to me before. that took years and many a frustrated night contemplating and trying to comprehend what was wrong. Finally, I would realize that the problem was me; the way I think. And I think the way I was taught to think but that is not the way the rest of the world thinks. We need to allow room for other ways of thinking in a world where my culture is the youngest one around.

Once I began accepting some of the things that went against my grain my life actually began to run more smoothly. It was my resistance to difference, my stubbornness to accept things, which I viewed as bad through my cultural blinders, that were causing me frustration and challenge.

Take for instance the Chinese tendency of giving gifts to persons in order to get things accomplished. When I was faced with having to do that in order to accomplish my goals I felt dirty, I felt like I was bribing anyone to do something. However, once I sql server hosting beyond my own cultural blockages and was able to accept that as the way things worked within the culture it changed the outcomes immensely. However it wasn't simple for me to change the ideals that were so deeply rooted within my psyche.

In your mind, place yourself at a table with two Chinese negotiators. You should have your strategies set strong in your value set, you know what you must offer and you know what you want. You put everything you have on the table and say "that is all I can offer". What will you do when the Chinese negotiating team all of the sudden brings something new to the table when they said that they had nothing new to offer previously? Would they be considered as dishonest? Would they be seen as lying? Now, stop and ask yourself how they may view the negotiators from your side when you refuse to bring anything new to the table. Will they view you as being dishonest? Would you be seen as lying? that is a mixing of cultures and what is acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable in the other. So how do we deal with these issues in a global economy and in order to maintain peace in a world that is nearing turmoil?

In my mind a good global negotiator is anyone who has the experience and insight to recognize how valid differences in cultural background, or even upbringing, can create barriers when not approached with the right attitude; which means openness not ignorance.

Recently I was in Mexico with my family. My sister had an exchange student staying with them from Thailand. He was trying to barter with a street seller on an item and my sister got angry at him for trying to go so low, then steamed away. The poor kid was perplexed and looked at me. I tried to explain to him that my sister does not have any understanding of how things work outside America and is only adapted to the type of marketing where everything has a set price. I assured him that he should continue in his bartering and interact with the person as if he were in Thailand. He ended up getting the price he wanted.

The Chinese have an expression which fits well here, "The frog at the bottom of the well". We may well translate that as "Ignorance is bliss". However if we're not open to other ways of viewing the same thing we will simply live our lives like that frog at the bottom of the well; content to have water and mud right there in front of him however oblivious to the big world outside the well.

Life Experience