Sunday, May 18, 2008

Please Don't purchase From Pet Stores

I'm creating that to bring awareness and attention to a horrific but not new discovery that we often don't think about. When you purchase puppies or kittens from pet stores or pet chains, you're supporting mills. . .

When we purchase a pet or even shop at a store that sells puppies, we contribute to a heartless underground industry that forces dogs to spend their entire lives in cages constantly breeding to support consumer demand for puppies.

If you're not familiar with the definition of a puppy mill, it's similar to raising cattle for production. Often times female dogs are kept in tiny cages and are forced to breed as often as possible for their entire lives. No love, proper attention or care given. Once they've produced many money making litters, they're put down. It's a business afterall. att conference call won't go into the graphic and sad details of what goes on in a puppy mill, but here's a link if you choose to look further into that and educate yourself and others.

There are SO many strays and beautiful, loving dogs and cats available for adoption, there's no reason to continue breeding these dogs in mass numbers and sell them for insane amounts of money especially in the conditions they're living in.

I'm guilty of that.

I purchased a Silky Terrier from a pet store for $900. It was adorable and I fell in love. I honestly didn't FREE Shipping on ALL Orders over $55 at 123INKJETS! a thing about mills or what was behind all that. All I knew was I saw him in a 10 gallon aquarium and he looked at me and that was it. The pet shop owner assured me that all his dogs are USDA certified and the places he life insurance rate quotes them from are inspected and stamped for approval. I believed that and it's a very well known pet store in Kamms Corner, (Cleveland) Later, after doing my own investigation I learned something else completely. The papers for my silky had the mill at the top. I dug around and found it's no different than any other mill, =(

I instantly thought of my puppy's family and parents still there and the conditions other dogs are living in. It's really just too sad. I just wanted to spread the word and let anyone know that may be in the market to purchase a designer dog or a new pet from a pet store, to please head to a shelter and adopt or at least look in the paper and purchase from a homebased breeder that care for their animals. I learned that NO local breeder that cares for their animals sells their dogs or cats to pet stores. They adopt them out only to persons they believe will take care of the dogs and they don't keep them in aquariums. . .Even if the owner of the store promises and tells you they purchase local or not from mills, it's almost impossible. Investigate where they get their dogs first before purchasing. I'm a REALTOR. Now while talking to buyers or showing backyards perfect for pets, When they agree, (and many new home owners will purchase a dog.) I try to spread the word without being pushy of course. Just a simple, "that is a great yard for a dog! Just please adopt and not purchase one from a pet store, mall or online" We can all make a difference by just letting others know however you can.

Puppy mills sell to local Pet Stores for $10-$60 per puppy. net web hosting you pay 10x's MORE.

Puppies purchased in pet stores are often aggressive, problemed and hard to house train.

PetSmart is a wonderful chain. They don't sell puppies, (Which I'm sure they'd make a mint on) and only sell cats and kittens that have been neglected or strays. Adopting from them is $6.95 web hosting with Omnis! purchasing their in-store products at least go to support animals not mills.

Thanks for listening and please spread the word, even if just randomly; "Don't purchase from pet stores" Not that I want to see them out of business, but until they change their method of greed and obtaining animals I've lost respect and won't support.

Cecilia Sherrard

Cecilia Sherrard is a full time dedicated Realtor in Cleveland Ohio. Owner and operator of the largest real estate agent website in Ohio, Her team of agents are capable of assisting buyers and sellers with relocation and all their real estate needs.