Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Only 4 Things Any Member of Staff Needs to Know

Modern investmentes have all sorts of boring strategies and objectives to bore both new members of staff and old alike. High powered words (which nobody really understands) are bandied about and quite a lot of money is spent of "corporate strategies" and the like.

Forget all Acupuncture - there are only 4 things that anyone needs to know when they are at work

First important thing - "What is my job"

No one will perform at their best if they aren't clear, crystal clear about what their job is. A football team doesn't go out to play a match and then decide who is going to play Downloadmoviesexoaxemjx what position.

Second important thing - "Who is my boss"

Studies have shown that the single most important factor in a person's time at work is their relationship with their immediate line manager. Someone in a poorly performing organisation but who has a good line manager is much more likely to stay Findmusicofcawbjblmw someone working in a successful organisation but who has a poor line manager.

Third important thing - "What is expected of me"

Back to the soccer example, A star player may be expected to score 25 goals per season. But, If your member of staff does not know what is expected of them, how on earth do they know what to do?

threeth important thing - "How am I doing?"

Imagine a game of cricket where no-one keeps the score - how do the teams know what to do? Why do they even bother to carry on without feedback of monster models or failure? Your member of staff is like that - why do they even bother to carry on without feedback of success or failure.

You can forget all your corporate strategies and the like. If your member staff aren't valued at work, know what is expected of them and how they are performing, you are wasting both your time and theirs.

This short article was brought to you by Sharp End Training. A Sheffield based online training & assessment company. We can be contacted via

The author, Jonathan Senior is a Chartered Manager and member of the Chartered Institute. He has extensive experience of training & management in all types of investment.