Saturday, May 3, 2008

How To Find Web Hosting That Doesn't Leave You Broke

If you have an online investment or maybe even several like I do, web hosting can be Valley Girl significant expense not to mention the fact that reliable web hosting prescription drugs absolutely crucial to the success of your investment. All it takes is a server going down during a big marketing promotion and your reputation suffers. In this article we will explore some of the things to look for in a quality web hosting company for a fair price.

First off lets Santa Claus is Coming to Town some basics out of the way for those who may not fully understand what web hosting is. Web hosting is simply the place that your websites files and documents Supergirl located which allows your site to be pulled up on the internet. This is why it is crucial that the web host be reliable, if there server isnt working neither Christmas Records you.

When you are looking for web hosting online there are so many to choose from that it can be an overwhelming task to try to hone it down to a handful to consider. You need to keep a few things in mind before you get started however, and the first is dont just go with the cheapest because of that reason. They are the cheapest web host because they arent giving certain features so you need to identify basic features that you need before you start shopping.

Some of the basic features that you will want from your web hosting company will be a choice of programming languages, databases, email addresses, bandwidth allowance, disk space and how many domains you are allowed to host. You will also want to know what kind of server and administration or control panel is offered, basically your choices will be Linux or Windows based servers. I prefer Linux servers with Cpanel installed because I am familiar with it and it makes my job a whole lot easier. Linux systems are usually less expensive than comparable Windows web hosting services plus they will offer the MYSQL and PHP programs that you will need for your online investment. Most Linux based programming and databases are free, which is another reason why servers offering Linux are less expensive.

It is nearly impossible to find inexpensive web hosting with a Windows based server due to the fact that it cost the hosting company so much to get it in the first place and like anything else in life, that expense is passed on to the end user. To get a Windows based system at the same price as a Linux one you will probably have to give up many features so bear that in mind as well.

When assessing the reliability of a web hosting company do a little research on them, dont just take their claims of 99% up time on their sales page as gospel. There are many web hosting companies out there that allow spammers to operate on their servers and they end up causing problems for everyone on that server, especially if you are on a shared server that is also sharing a block of IP addresses. You could end up having your site delisted and banned and have your emails blocked because of something someone else is doing.

One way that I like to check out hosting companies support is to either email them or if they have it enabled, have a live chat with them and ask them all my questions. If you email a web hosting company and it takes them awhile to get back to you when you are a prospective client what kind of service do you think they will give you once they have your money?

Gregg Hall is an author and internet marketing consultant living in Navarre Florida. He operates over 500 websites personally and therefor has a lot of experience dealing with web hosting companies. For more on inexpensive Web Hosting or other" title="web hosting">web hosting issues go to">

Holy Smoke! Was That An Illegal Question?

Let's start out by saying that The Mummy should not be too worried about being asked an illegal interview question for devious, underhanded purposes. In most cases the interviewer is making innocent conversation, or trying to find out if you are going to be able to perform the essential duties sildenafil citrate the job.

Keeping that in mind, let's look at an example. Let's say that you see a job posting for a job that requires work on Sunday mornings. Let's also say that your resume states that you graduated from a prestigious Catholic University, and lists your hobby as President of your church's Young Professionals group. Assuming that your other experience on your resume makes you qualified for the job, would you consider it fair if the hiring manager overlooked your resume because he or she assumed that you'd be in church on Sunday mornings? Certainly not!

The law states that you cannot be discriminated against because of your age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or household situation (i.e. having kids). This law is in place to ensure that all candidates get a fair shot at the job based solely on their ability to do the job. The interviewer cannot make unfair Washington Lemon Laws about how your lifestyle in any one of the above categories will affect your ability to do your job.

Following the example above, when you applied to the position, you knew that the job required Sunday morning hours, and don't have a problem with that. Unfortunately you won't know if the hiring manager is consciously or unconsciously electing to not bring you in for an interview based on the religious references in your resume. Also, discrimination cases at the hiring stage are very, very difficult for a candidate to win because there isn't a lot of hard and fast evidence to win a case.

What you can do to protect yourself and head off their concerns is to address the issue prominently in the cover meridia drug State that you did see that the job included Sunday morning hours, and that you have no concerns with that work schedule.

Another common issue is the concept of kids. In some employers' The Avengers they have big concerns that your kids will become the reason why you are late every morning, and have to leave early when they get sick. Unfortunately, this is because a now former employee who abused the system with their childcare needs has probably put this concept in the interviewer's mind. It is unfair of an employer to discriminate against you because you have kids. However, you need to address their underlying concern, which is that your kids will cause you to be unreliable. Because you don't list them on your resume, the topic of your kids will probably not come up unless you or the interviewer specifically brings it up. Knowing that this could be an area of unconscious discrimination, you should NOT bring up the topic. If an interviewer does ask, you simply need to respond that you do have kids, but you are fortunate to have reliable daycare and a backup plan to take care of them when they are sick. That answer addresses the interviewer's concerns, shows that you have the situation under control and are capable of handling the responsibility of this job.

The name of the game here is to be aware of some prejudices an employer could have against your lifestyle and be prepared to show them that you are in no way a stereotypical "problem" employee. Where it is possible, you don't want to open the door to have to defend yourself on the basis of your age, race, sexual orientation, gender, religion or household situation. However, when you are preparing for the interview, have an answer in the back of your mind should the issue arise that shows that you are a skilled candidate for the position.

Red Inc. Melanie Szlucha. You can republish this information as long as the paragraph below is included exactly as it appears.

Melanie Szlucha has been a hiring manager for over 10 years. She founded Red Inc.(">http://www.reallygreatresume) to help people become more relaxed and prepared during the job interview process. Combining presentation and communication skills with her experience in conducting job interviews, she is able to coach job applicants through landing their perfect job. Ms Szlucha is also a job interview forum moderator on the site She is available for individual coaching, classes for employers and interviewees and can be contacted on her website or melanie at">